W H O    I S    E L I T E    C O M M E R C I A L    C L O S I N G S

W H O    I S    E L I T E
C O M M E R C I A L    C L O S I N G S

Elite Commercial Closings, LLC (ECC) is a robust team of Attorneys, Paralegals, Closing Specialists and Title Examiners whose number one goal is to give borrowers a seamless closing from Loan Origination to Funding Disbursement and beyond.

W H A T    S E R V I C E S    D O    W E    O F F E R

W H A T    S E R V I C E S
D O    W E    O F F E R

Title Examination

Our team of experienced title examiners review the title documents for accuracy while also making sure the file is in order. From reviewing minor details to making sure there are no pertinent issues impacting the property, our team strives to do a thorough review to make sure the file is in tip-top shape.

Document Preparation

The document preparation team compiles all of the loan details and assembles them into the lender’s package of documents for closing. Borrowers will see all of their loan information up front in the Commitment Letter prior to signing the package of lender documents at the closing table.

Closing Coordination

Between the Closing team and the Funding team, no detail is left unnoticed. Our Closing team coordinates the details of the closing (closing date, statement balancing, etc.) with the settlement agent to foster a swift closing experience. Our Funding team wraps it up with their strict attention to detail making sure all signatures and dates are completed properly before the Closing team approves funding.

Recording Documents

Our Post-Closing team regularly follows up on receipt of closing packages, recorded mortgages and final title policies.

I M P O R T A N T    R E S O U R C E S


Elite Commercial Closings, LLC (ECC) has worked to simplify the closing process with a streamlined approach for our closing experience. Below are examples of what we look for when we get a title and what our expectations are for our closing procedure.

C O N T A C T    U S

Our Team is Here to Answer Any Questions and Assist with Your Legal Needs
Our Team is Here to Answer Any Questions
and Assist with Your Legal Needs

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9a.m. – 6p.m. ET


General Questions: Legal@EliteCommercialClosings.com

Funding Review: Funding@EliteCommercialClosings.com

Final Policies & Recorded Documents: ECCPostClosing@FirstSource.com

